This is a Draft document pending approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting on February 08, 2022. The Washington County Senior Softball League (WCSSL) convened for a scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday January 11, 2021 from 6:05 PM – 7:05 PM. The meeting was held at Wacohu Grange Hall, 16412 National Pike, Hagerstown, MD. The following Board members were in attendance: President-AJ Nicolosi, Vice President-Butch Hess, Secretary/Webmaster-Mark Plumley, and League Manager-Bob Thomas. (Treasurer, Tommy Hyme was absent) 11 additional league members were in attendance this evening. The President, AJ commenced the meeting at 6:05 PM and explained that we did consider moving the time of the meeting due to the unexpected passing of a former player, and it was understood some members would not be able to make it. He then asked the Secretary to read the previously documented minutes from the November meeting. The League Secretary, Plumley read the November meeting Minutes. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Darren Parnevik and Seconded. The Minutes were accepted as written. AJ provided a briefing stating that the League payment was made to the County Parks for $750 for the three fields. He also advised that we will continue to utilize one field at City Park and not the back field any longer. He stated, he was given the okay to relocate our equipment boxes from City Park to the Halfway Park fields. The Treasurer-Tommy could not be in attendance, he did provide a treasury report in advance that was read by AJ. The WCSSL checking account has $2678.00 and the league savings acount has $3445.00 Estimates for the projected league expenses for this season include: $2000.00 for new balls, $400.00 for league Insurance, $3500.00 for Uniforms and $90.00 for the Website. AJ advised that a copy of the Treasury Report was on the table if anybody would like to review. He also mentioned that 2022 Registration and Waiver forms have been placed up on the league website and that he also had 25 copies on-hand if anybody needed one. Vice President-Butch suggested we spread the word to obtain additional registrants and he also mentioned that he would like to attend the upcoming League Manager meeting with the team Managers. He is interested in the discussion and would like to be involved. League Manager Bob Thomas was asked for any input and he said he reached out to one of our league sponsors, Stonebridge Pizzaria & Pub for a possible fundraiser. He stated he was very impressed with what Stonebridge Pizza is providing to the league, and was amazed that they would offer it for two months. Stonebridge Pizza also provided an additional benefit day where "all receipts" received on February 10th will include 10 percent back to the league. Thank you Bob for working with Stonebridge ownership to get this fundraiser locked on. - Bob stated he plans on scheduling the Managers meeting very shortly. He said that his primary goal at the next Rules meeting, is to make them very clear, and emphasized it is important that all Managers are on the same page with their understanding and having the same interpretation of the rules. He stated that the Managers need to be the enforcers of the rules and not the opposing team Manager. Unfinished Business: President-AJ mentioned that we still would like to hold the umpire clinic, and he asked Frank Hood if had any updates. Frank advised that he left a very detailed message with the former instructor but has not heard back from him. Frank suggested that we should consider making this clinic a bonified certification for those that attend. There may be a fee involved which he needs to find out. He stated he would provide more information by our next scheduled meeting in February. AJ requested an update from JT on our upcoming Bonanza. JT explained that he would like to increase the ticket price from $40.00 to $50.00 with more frequent drawings, which would increase a members chances for having their ticket selected. He stated he could have the tickets printed and ready for our next meeting so that they can start being sold to our members. The date is being confirmed and the location will be at the Boonsboro American Legion. New Business: - A question was raised as whether or not Halfway Park has a curfew. AJ advised that he will check with the County Parks and mentioned that the lights will be on a pre-set time to come on. He also mentioned that we will have to make adjustments on the game start time for Field #3 later in the season due to having no lights. - It was brought up that the schedule will be based on the amount of teams. If we can obtain 8 teams, with a possibility of additional Chambersburg league players joining our league. Their scheduled nights to play differ from our norm and we may make adjustments. - The pegs sticking up out of the ground at City Park need to be sub-surface and it was brought up how dangerous these are. AJ has brought this to Mike Kelbaughs attention and they intend on correcting. - AJ has been working with City Park to clean up the goose fecal matter from the field. He emplasized that it poses a serious hygiene issue with the players who can come in contact with it. - A suggestion was made to include all players photos and positions at the next Player Draft. Discussion was had and we do not have a league photographer. Butch advised that we do have most players photos. It was also discussed to place player photos up on the website which can be done if provided and must be approved by that player. - New softballs was mentioned, and AJ stated that we are continually looking into a quality affordable ball for the league. Frank said he will look into checking with his travel league supplier, possibly through Dick's Sporting Goods. A 52/300 compression Yellow ball was recommended. The next scheduled meeting is proposed for February 08, 2022. The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.