This is a Final document approved at the scheduled meeting held on (Tuesday), January 09, 2024. The Tri-State Senior Softball League (TSSSL) convened for a scheduled monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 from 6:00 PM – 6:57 PM. The meeting was held at Wacohu Grange Hall, 16412 National Pike, Hagerstown, MD. The following Board members were in attendance: President-Dave Barnhart, Vice President-Donnie Helman, Secretary/Webmaster-Mark Plumley, the Treasurer-Tommy Hyme and League Manager were absent. 8 additional league members were in attendance this evening. A motion to accept the October meeting minutes posted on our league website. Minutes were motioned and approved as written with no changes. Old Business: The President, Dave commenced the meeting at 6:00 PM and provided an update on old business. He explained that we will be raising the league registration fee to $60.00. This increase is required due to the rising cost of uniforms and hats and with the County Parks Commission raising the field usage fee to $50.00 per field. He and Darren Pavarnik attended a meeting with the Parks Supervisor and discussed the leagues concerns and what the County would provide us. Here is a list of what was discussed: - Field usage and fee increase. - Lights will still be metered and we will pay that at the end of the season. - Park attendant will be responsible for turning the lights on. - Parks department to address the issue of the fence sleeves in the ground (and out) in all the outfields. - We asked that 2nd base on Field C be fixed. - Each time the field is mowed, we can come over and lay down foul lines. - Parks department considered allowing us to paint the 165ft line in the outfield. - We offered several times to help with field maintenance, even just volunteering to help move picnic tables or such. - The old concession stand near Field A is being turned into.....RESTROOMS!! - We requested that a plan be developed for sun screens positioned somehow to help fight the evening sun. They will consult with Board regarding the options. Dave pointed out that we will be holding a Managers Clinic for all current and potential new Managers and Coaches. A date has not been proposed but this will be very beneficial for all Managers to have a better understanding of our league rules and expectations. - A thorough review of all of the TSSSL Senior Softball rules for accuracy will be completed against the National USSSA rules and modified accordingly. A lengthy discussion was had on some rules that we need to address. - No Treasury report was provided due to Tommy being absent. We do have some good news to pass along, current player, Paul Slusarz has graciously stepped up to assume the Treasurer role. Those in attendence were all in favor of Paul assuming this position. Thank you Paul for volunteering. New Business: An open discussion was had with player concerns and issues. - A process to be established on how the league selects new team Managers. - Game start times and how to improve. - BP prior to the games, limit the number of hits/swings to 5 per player to expedite and to ensure games start on time. - Make-up games scheduling and improvements made to complete postponed games. Donnie Helmon, as the Manager Liaison, will work with the Managers to alleviate any conflicts. - Potential scheduling of additional tournaments during or at the end of the season. - Mark explained that our league domain was about to expire on 18 November 2023 and that he renewed it. This prevented our website from being blocked and/or losing our domain "". The fee for renewall was $15.99. Our domain will expire on November 18, 2024. Our website provider ( still intends to raise our usage fee to $324.00 in January. Dave will look into backsiding our site at his company. The next scheduled meeting is proposed for (Tuesday) January 09, 2024. A motion was made to close the meeting and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 6:57 PM.