This is a draft document pending approval at the scheduled meeting to be held on (Tuesday), March 11, 2025. The Tri-State Senior Softball League (TSSSL) convened for a scheduled monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 from 6:00 PM – 7:06 PM. The meeting was held at Wacohu Grange Hall, 16412 National Pike, Hagerstown, MD. The following Board members were in attendance: President-Dave Barnhart, Vice President-Donnie Helman, Treasurer-Paul Slusarz, Secretary/Webmaster-Mark Plumley. 19 additional league members were in attendance this evening. The President, Dave commenced the meeting at 6:00 PM and stated the Treasury Report, as per Paul reflects the same numbers as the league had at the closing of last season. No increase or decrease. The league bank balances currently stand at Checking account: $2404.91, and league Savings account: $3447.58. New Business: - Dave mentioned that he has brought additional Registration and Waiver Forms and that they are up on the league website. The address on the Registration Form reflects his work address and that is where they can be mailed to. - He stated that the league is always looking for new players and asked those in attendance to reach out to friends and family members who may want to join the league. - The league start date for practice sessions will be March 31st and will continue for approximately 3 weeks, Monday - Thursday. (This information can be found on our league websites homepage). - During the season, games will be scheduled Monday - Thursday, with only two games per week scheduled for each team. - A Fall Ball season is also being considered after our regular season ends. Games would be played in Sep-Oct with possibly 3 teams or more. An additional fee of maybe $20.00 per player would be necessary to cover the cost for field usage. We would only be playing on Fields 1 and 2. - The league is currently reaching out to our past Sponsors and there is a high likelihood, that we will need a few more. Reminder that the current donation is $400.00, to sponsor a team. At this time, Dave opened the floor for questions: - League member, Brian Sefsic requested that the league start placing a time limit on the batting practice length prior to the games. He advised that it went on too long, delaying our start times. Dave advised that Donnie (VP/Managers Liaison), will discuss this with the Managers to try to set time limits. - President Dave mentioned that it was being discussed whether or not to hold a league tournament at the beginning of the season instead of at the end. For the year end tournament and depending on how many teams we have, our usual 7 or possibly 8, that the top 4 teams will determine the league Championship. We would still have a July 4th mid-season break that can be used for makeup games. - League member, JT suggested an A & B bracket, either two 4 team brackets or a 4 and 3 team. The lower seeded teams can play some additional games and extend their regular season. - League member, JT requested that the County do a better job of restoring the fields following weekend tournaments. Many holes are noticed around Homeplate and the Pitchers mounds following these games due to the use of metal cleats during those games. - Dave advised that he has Parks maintenance commitment to maintain and correct those issues. He said he will re-emphasize these concerns. - League member, Keith Beaver asked if the County intends on rolling the outfields. Dave mentioned that the Parks has that responsibility to maintain the outfields and to drag the infields. - A lengthy discussion was initiated to revise the 165 line in the outfield. The options that were presented were to eliminate it completely, move it out to 185 ft, or use the current Women's (200 ft) fence line as a new outfielders defensive starting position. Why this was presented, was to increase the individual game scoring and allow players 70 and above, the opportunity for more base hits. League member, John Rowe pointed out that the 165 line IS NOT a current requirement in USSSA League Rules. Various scenarios and reasonings were presented, both for and against the elimination and/or movement of this line. The eventual voted on decision by those in attendance, was to keep the current 165 ft line, but to allow a runner currently on base, to advance to the next base without risk of a force out after a base hit fielded by an outfielder. Meaning the outfielder will not be able to force out a runner going to second or third. That runner still has the option to advance further if he/she chooses. - League member, Keith Beaver asked if a current set of our league Rules can be provided at each field. Dave said yes, we can place a copy in the equipment boxes. - A discussion was had concerning the requirement for a Pinch/Courtesy Runner. Managers are required to identify the players that require a PR/CR before the game. All PLAYERS will be required to run to first base on their own when they are batting. They must request the PR/CR when they reach 1st Base. (There will be no more Courtesy Runners from Homeplate.) - League member, Marvin, questioned whether the league will accept Women age 35? The answer was no, it is now 40 years of age for women. - VP, Donnie Helman mentioned that league Managers must get their make-up games completed as per the league rules. - League member, JT reiterated that we need to schedule more games on Wednesday nights versus having 3 games played on Tuesdays. This would allow for more player availability and prevent make-up game requirements. Dave concurred. The next scheduled meeting is proposed for (Tuesday) March 11, 2025. A motion was made to close the meeting and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:06 PM.